I spent months researching what car I wanted and monitoring the various web pages that sell vintage cars. I knew all the pitfalls and knew exactly what I wanted and what I wanted to pay for it. More importantly I was willing to wait for the right deal to come along. I found a great car but decided not to bid on it until I learned more about what to look for in a purchase. I waited to long and the auction ended before I could bid. I later realized that the car went for a really fair price and wished I had bid. A couple weeks later the car came back up for auction with a "buy it now" and I snapped it up as fast as I could. The pictures, description, and a phone conversation with the owner all confirmed that this was what I was looking for. I wanted a fixxer upper so I could have a project, I didn't want a complete train wreck. After weeks of delays the car finally showed up and what a complete mess!!! The frame is rusted and completely rotten, the engine doesn't start, the brakes don'[t work, doors don't open, just a mess..... It was so bad that when the shipper saw he didn't want to trasnport it! I managed to buy exactly what I didn't want.....I called the seller right away, after several colorful conversations I agreed to a partial refund and kept the car. Its not what I wanted but I like a challenge. The picture here is from the Ebay Motors listing and it looks like its in pretty good shape here. More posts are coming and you will see how bad it is under the skin.
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